I Climbing Summit
The first IFSC Climbing Summit was a one-day event that took place on 14 December 2019 in Torino, Italy following a two-day IFSC Executive Board meeting.
The event gave the Board the perfect occasion to meet with the National Federations attending the Summit, discussing topics such as development, ethics, events, governance, and of course the Olympic Games.
Attending the first-ever Climbing Summit in Torino were representatives of 15 nations: Austria, Belgium, China, Cyprus, France, Germany, Great Britain, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Russia, Slovenia, South Korea, Switzerland, and the USA.
“I had this idea in mind for the past three or four years, but, for various reasons, it could never see the light. For me, to share visions and projects with our National Federations is essential for the development of the sport. We had, and still have, a lot to learn from each other, in the most genuine climbing tradition. It was the case: different feelings, cultures, and opinions were brought on board, the same boat, heading to our first Olympic Games in Tokyo. Hopes and challenges went together and after this first Climbing Summit, we feel stronger and ready for 2020.” said IFSC President Marco Scolaris.