Medical & Anti-Doping Commission

The Medical & Anti-Doping Commission is established in the IFSC Statutes, Article 14.6.

The Medical & Anti-Doping Commission shall protect and maintain the standards of the health of the athletes and of Climbing as a safe sport. It shall address issues impacting the health of athletes and make recommendations to define the medical regulations for the safe running of IFSC events.

The Medical & Anti-Doping Commission shall ensure that the IFSC complies with the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) and implement programmes for the promotion of clean sport.

The composition and functioning of the Medical & Anti-Doping Commission are described in the relevant Terms of Reference approved by the Executive Board.

ChairProf. Naama CONSTANTINIIsrael
Vice ChairDr Cesar CANALESSpain
Vice ChairDr Karen HALSELLUSA
MemberKatie KAMINSKYAustralia
MemberDr Gabriel ISFER DE LIMABrazil
MemberDr Daniel VON ESSENGermany
MemberDr Shabnam ASADIIran
MemberDr Andrea FELICIItaly
MemberTANABE KojiJapan
MemberDr Maria Stefania IONELRomania

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