The Routesetters' Commission and the other Sport & Technical Commissions are established in the IFSC Statutes, Article 14.7.
The Sports & Technical Commissions shall be responsible to make recommendations for the establishment, implementation, control, and review of all sporting and technical aspects related to Climbing including but not limited to competition sport equipment, judging, routesetting, and rules. The Sport and Technical Commission may organise itself through the formation of sub-committees.
The composition and functioning of the Sport & Technical Commissions are described in the relevant Terms of Reference approved by the IFSC Executive Board.
Percy BISHTON | Chair | Great Britain |
Adam PUSTELNIK | Vice Chair | Poland |
Matthias WOITZUCK | Member | Austria |
Pedro CORRAL | Member | Ecuador |
Remi SAMYN | Member | France |
Christian BINDHAMMER | Member | Germany |
Jan ZBRANEK | Member | Germany |
Artimes FARSHADYEGANEH | Member | Iran |
OKANO Hiroshi | Member | Japan |
Anna GALLYAMOVA | Suspended | Russia |
Chris DANIELSON | Member | USA |