
The IFSC General Assembly in Singapore voted for a proposed exception which would allow current President Marco Scolaris to stand again for a final term in the 2025 General Election.

Alongside the Presidency vote, Federations requested a succession plan from the IFSC Executive Board that would ensure a smooth transition when new leadership is confirmed.

The need for an exception was passed with 71% of votes cast.

President Scolaris said: “We are a close family, and we are an open family. Throughout the first day of our General Assembly our Federation representatives have listened, discussed, and more importantly, asked the questions they have needed to make their decisions.

“Because of this, I know thought and consideration has gone into this vote and it would be my privilege to consider representing our members and carry on in our Olympic journey after 2025.” 

When the IFSC was founded in 2007, and Scolaris subsequently named President in 2009, the Federation’s long-term goal was to showcase Sport Climbing at the 2028 Games. The IFSC has grown rapidly in a short space of time and surpassed its goal to debut at Tokyo 2020 – two editions earlier than envisaged.

With the accelerated completion of the Olympic objectives, the goals and needs of the IFSC have shifted to ensure a smooth transition from a pandemic effected Games, to an additional sport at Paris 2024, to a programme sport in Los Angeles.

Success and exponential growth have again been recognised as a factor among stakeholders leading to the decision for the exception.


President addressing delegates at the 2023 General Assembly © Faizola Nordin/IFSC

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