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The former climber died in Toretsk, Ukraine

The IFSC is saddened to learn about the tragic death of Ukrainian climber Maksym Petrenko, at the age of 46. According to several sources, Petrenko was killed by a mortar shot in Toretsk, in Bakhmut Raion, Donetsk Oblast.

Born in the city of Luhansk, Ukraine, Petrenko was active at IFSC competitions between 1992 and 2007 and competed in seven Climbing World Championships and 41 World Cups, winning five Lead medals in total.

Petrenko was the first Ukrainian to win a medal at the Climbing World Championships in the Lead discipline and remains the only Ukrainian to do so.

He won bronze at the World Championships in Birmingham, Great Britain, in 1999; and stepped onto the World Cup podium four times, winning one silver in Shanghai, China, in 2004; and three bronzes in Chamonix, France; Kranj, Slovenia; and Aprica, Italy, between 2000 and 2004. Also in 1997, at the age of 19, Petrenko secured the gold medal in Lead at the Youth World Championship in Imst, Austria.

After Petrenko finished competing he dedicated his time to coaching before serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The IFSC offers its sincerest condolences to Petrenko’s family, friends, and close ones.

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