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A total of 64 representatives from 50 National Federations of the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) have gathered in Santiago, Chile, for the XXI General Assembly of the organisation, taking place at Icon Hotel on 22 and 23 March and hosted by the Chilean Federation.

IFSC President Marco Scolaris and members of the IFSC Executive Board have also travelled to Santiago for the event.

The programme of the event will kick off today, 21 March with two workshops, giving delegates the possibility to meet and discuss in person about two very important topics: the health of the athletes, and the event strategy for the upcoming Olympic cycle – from 2025 to 2028.

To increase the engagement and promote the share of information, the days of the General Assembly will also be the ground to launch an initiative called NF Desk, where National Federations’ representatives will have the chance to be more closely in touch with the IFSC in the context of the General Assembly.

A series of individual and group meeting are also included in the programme: the IFSC Executive Board met on Wednesday, 20 March, and will meet again at the end of the week, while each IFSC Continental Council is expected to meet on Thursday 21.

The XXI IFSC General Assembly will be the first one taking place after the approval of the new IFSC Statutes at the Extraordinary General Assembly held virtually on 31 October 2023.

Delegates attending the Assembly, both in person and virtually, will be called to vote on a series of topics, including but not limited to the harmonisation of memberships, also ratifying the addition of Guam, Nigeria, and Palestine; the approval of the 2023 Financial Statements and 2024 provisional budget; and the proposal to adjust age categories at the Youth World Championships.

XXI IFSC General Assembly

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