
Kicking off with the IFSC World Cup in Wujiang, China, from 12 to 14 April, the 2024 season will see the US company provide state-of-the-art safety gear to all international events.

The IFSC and Trango – the designer and manufacturer of premier Climbing gear and holds based in Colorado, USA – are proud to announce the beginning of a five-year partnership that will make Trango the sole provider of safety gear for all IFSC Lead competitions from 2024 to 2028.

Kicking off with the IFSC World Cup in Wujiang, China, from 12 to 14 April, the 2024 season will see the US company provide state-of-the-art safety gear to all international events: IFSC Climbing and Paraclimbing World Cups, World Championships, and Youth World Championships, at no cost for the Local Organising Committees.

Trango’s industry-leading product will feature their Reaction Competition Quickdraws, spotlighting the brand’s aluminum Reaction Bent Gate Carabiners, with a keylock nose to facilitate smooth and fumble-free clipping. The distinctive black and pink carabiners, with their innovative gate design, will be paired with Trango’s Straight Dogbones and Maillons. 

Starting in 2025, the range of products supplied by Trango will extend to all the safety gears needed to run a Lead competition, including belay devices, harnesses, and ropes.

IFSC President Marco Scolaris said, commenting on the news: “We are very happy to welcome Trango into the IFSC family. Safety in our sport is an absolute priority, and in Trango we have found a reliable partner with great experience. One of our aims with technical sponsorship is to create a path of growth and study so that we can improve the sport, and Trango has bought into this concept ensuring a positive partnership.”

"Trango has always been a major supporter of Climbing and a player in the international scene,” added Trango President Chris Klinke. "We have supported competitions with gear, holds, athletes, and sponsorship throughout our history. To support the IFSC on a global scale with its safety gear needs is a tremendous opportunity to combine our passion for Climbing with our goal of supporting the community."

Safety in our sport is an absolute priority, and in Trango we have found a reliable partner with great experience.IFSC President Marco Scolaris

Along with Wujiang, the IFSC World Cup Series 2024 will include Lead competitions in Innsbruck, Austria; Chamonix, France; Briançon, France; Koper, Slovenia; and Seoul, South Korea.

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