240227 IFSC News - IFSC to increase coverage of European events in 2024
IFSC Europe

The vast majority of continental events will be live streamed on the newly launched IFSC Europe YouTube channel.

The International Federation of Sports Climbing (IFSC) is glad to announce that, starting in 2024, the coverage of their European events will be actively expanded and upgraded, with the live streaming of the vast majority of events on the newly launched IFSC Europe YouTube channel.

IFSC European Cups and Championships, including Youth events, will also obtain a substantial coverage on other IFSC digital channels, including but not limited to IFSC website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The IFSC European season will kick off on the weekend of 16 and 17 March in Lublin, Poland, with two Speed events – one European Cup and one Youth European Cup – taking place in the same venue.

The calendar of continental events will peak in late August, shortly after the Olympic Games Paris 2024, with the Climbing and Paraclimbing European Championships scheduled to take place in Villars, Switzerland, from 24 August to 1 September.

Along with the Championships, the continental calendar currently comprises seven European Cups, eight Youth European Cups, and one Youth European Championships, scheduled in Troyes, France, from 25 to 29 September.

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