
The IFSC has adopted new Statutes following an overwhelming majority vote of approval by its Member Federations during an online General Assembly yesterday.

Opened from the IFSC Headquarters in Torino, Italy, by President Marco Scolaris, the IFSC General Assembly progressed through a host of motions submitted and presented by its National Federations and followed with a subsequent vote on each. Motions had been put forward by Member Federations and forwarded to all others for consideration in advance of the meeting. This process led to voting on a range of aspects from terminology in the statutes to diversity and representation during the General Assembly.     

The final vote of the meeting was in relation to the adoption of the new IFSC Statutes which passed with 93.75% of the vote – 45 of 48 members voted ‘yes’.

The previous IFSC Statutes have been in place since their adoption at the XVI IFSC Ordinary General Assembly, held virtually on 13-14 November 2020, and have now been replaced with the new IFSC Statutes.

President Scolaris said: “I want to thank the representatives present at this Extraordinary General Assembly, but also everyone behind them from our Member Federations that contributed to the submitted motions. Once again it shows how we are all moving forward together with everyone engaging in a strong democratic process.

“I would also like to thank the Governance Commission for their continued work with our Statutes. 

“I look forward to connecting with everyone in person at our next General Assembly where we will be welcomed to South America for the first time in our history by our friends at the Chilean Federation.”

The new IFSC Statutes will be published in due course.

The next IFSC General Assembly will take place in Santiago, Chile, in March 2024.


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