
This summer’s European Championships Munich 2022 achieved more than 750 million viewer hours across the nine participating sports on free-to-air TV and digital platforms – the equivalent of every person in Europe watching at least one hour of the innovative multi-sport event.

In its summary report to the final European Championships 2022 Board on Tuesday, European Championships Management (ECM) presented key findings of the independent research it commissioned, and data collected from Broadcast Partner European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and other rights-holding broadcasters:

TV & Digital (broadcast data still pending from certain countries)

Online Media

Print Media

Social Media

Each of the nine participating sports contributed significant broadcast and viewer hours in almost all countries across Europe. With one of the powerful value drivers being the building of the TV audiences over the course of the event, the average market share increased over the first four days in all the big markets. Major Broadcasters showed 10 hours a day for 10 days and all sports delivered above the annual market share average in these markets.

ECM said that the research confirmed the overall media success of an event that also attracted 1.47 million visitors to experience the sports and festival in the Olympiapark, Munich City, and other venues in the Bavarian capital. The local value creation (e.g. tourism value) for the City of Munich has been estimated at around €122 million.

ECM Statement

''We are delighted to say that on average every single person in Europe watched at least one hour of the European Championships Munich 2022 on free-to-air broadcasters’ TV and digital platforms. The research figures speak for themselves and leave no doubt that the multi-sport European Championships was once again a spectacular success for the stakeholders and that the power of aggregation works for all of them.

''We would like to thank Munich, the Funding Partners, the participating sports, the EBU and all the Broadcasters for their contribution towards the outstanding success of the event. The outcome could not have been achieved without the courage and faith stakeholders showed in committing to the event philosophy of ‘the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

''Glasgow/Berlin 2018 was an outstanding inaugural edition and the second edition in Munich was where vision became reality as we all saw the spectacular benefits of bringing the individual European Championships of nine sports into one single location to create a festival of elite sport. We are already working closely with the participating sports who share a vision to repeat the Munich concept in 2026 by uniting the continental championships of between seven and 10 sports with one of Europe’s leading cities to create another must-watch, must-attend event experience that will elevate the Champions of Europe.’’

Olympiapark CEO Marion Schöne Statement

''Our vision became reality. These impressive figures are not the only proof that we have succeeded in realising our vision, setting new standards, and leaving a lasting legacy. With Munich 2022 we have reached millions and millions of people, analogue and digital, on-site, on TV, on air and on the web. The European Championships were inspiring. They combined top-class sports under one roof, right in the heart of the city, characterised by a carefree atmosphere. Munich, Bavaria, and Germany presented themselves to Europe and the world in an excellent, peaceful, and cosmopolitan manner. The images, experiences, and emotions will resonate for a long time to come, providing new impetus and stimulating discussions.

''Munich 2022 demonstrated that it is possible to successfully and sustainably create and host a major multi-sport event with joint forces and new ideas, with existing infrastructure and committed partners – and to the satisfaction and benefit of all involved. The overwhelmingly positive feedback from athletes, spectators, partners, and sponsors speaks for itself. I wish and hope that the idea and the concept of our European Championships Munich 2022 will serve as a blueprint for future host cities and will be further developed.”

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